In Joombah you can set the salary for a job to say:
Salary: 1000,00 per month
I needed to say:
Salary: 1000,00-2000,00 per month
This is how I did it:
1. I changed components/com_jbjobs/views/employer/tmpl/editjob.php from:
<input class="inputbox required" type="text" name="salary" id="salary" size="10" maxlength="10" value="row->salary; ?>" />
<input class="inputbox required" type="text" name="salary" id="salary" size="15" maxlength="30" value="row->salary; ?>" />
2. I then changed the database field jos_jbjobs_job from “float” to “varchar”
This will allow you to add more caracters in the approximate salarey field and save it into the databse.
You now need to show the results on the guest jobs page.
Go to > components/com_jbjobs/views/guest/tmpl/detailjob.php
And replace:
$salary = $job->currency_salary.' '.number_format($job->salary,2,'.',',').' / '.$job->type_salary;
$salary = $job->currency_salary.' '.$job->salary.' / '.$job->type_salary;
Save and upload.
Result =